Potter's clay animation over potato chips
Autho作者: kame
I have a small shed at the production company took 10 days and shoot the assistant director, crazy running around, beginning to find I was filming Zhezhi films, I say no on the proposed way to use clay, with my way is to use latex dual Production
Encountered during the production a lot of questions, such as the skeleton. Positioning clay are the most important
Although there are even clay to do, but the hand-Gen Jiao, I stick with my approach (using foam latex) body is clay, because the hands and feet should have been doing the action. Therefore, the high probability of deformation ....

I just want to press the clay into the mold a new type of clay has not changed Oujiu completed
我做了很多隻黏土偶.現場預備用, 我只要把黏土壓進模具...一個全新沒變型的黏土偶就完成了
This is the action director, he was responsible for adjusting movement
The director is also regarded as Taiwan's small-famous animation director Mr. Liang Chongyou這是動作導演, 他負責調整動作..這個導演也算是台灣小有名氣的動畫導演...梁崇佑先生...
The director is also regarded as Taiwan's small-famous animation director Mr. Liang Chongyou這是動作導演, 他負責調整動作..這個導演也算是台灣小有名氣的動畫導演...梁崇佑先生...
Sometimes, to mobilize for, we will draw on the screen above dispatch line, so adjust the movement of people to have a frame of reference
* latex dual乳膠偶
* Positioning定位
* using foam latex用發泡乳膠
* Positioning定位
* using foam latex用發泡乳膠
* action director動作導演
*dispatch line動線